Resignation Letter for Teachers (template)

teachers resignation letter template

If you have made the decision to leave, you need to do so professionally. In this article, we will discuss the perfect Resignation Letter for Teachers that will see you leave on good terms. If you want to go in a blaze of glory, read on and reconsider. If you haven’t checked your UK teacher resignation dates >>READ THIS.

Why quit teaching gracefully?

Simply put, education is a small sector. You are likely to cast your initial career change net in other ponds related to education and consequently, it is good to leave your current employer on positive terms. From a wellbeing perspective, a ranting letter of resignation is not as cathartic as you might initially think. So if you want to resign from your teaching role, do so in a way that means you could bump into the Head Teacher in TESCO without having to hide in a chest freezer. You probably don’t want your resignation letter going viral.

Even if you plan to leave teaching forever, you should hesitate before pulling the trigger on an incendiary resignation letter, it probably won’t initiate the reform you are hoping for.

Ready to download the template? Here you go!

But I really want to escalate things!

If you really have issues to resolve then the best option is to complete an exit interview and/or exit survey. You can be as honest as you require here but keep it non-personal and constructive. Take it from someone that has sat in a room whilst they are being read, it is convenient to laugh off negative comments if defenses have already been raised. Think of the different impact the following statements would have on a member of Senior Leadership or Executive Team:

“The added workload of managing lunchtime club three times a week meant I was unable to complete tasks that I felt were a priority, it also meant my wellbeing was reduced. Having raised this in my prior appraisal, I was told that current staff capacity was already stretched and I would have to find a way to manage.”

“Senior Leadership don’t understand the role of a classroom teacher. I was asked to do lunchtime club when I am already overworked. I lost my lunchtime 3 times a week and couldn’t complete marking. I don’t see Leadership taking part in lunchtime clubs.”

Hopefully, you agree that the first example would hit hardest. It points out the damage done without assuming lunchtime clubs are some cruel punishment for those “on the shop floor”. The first example defines the challenge and points out the failure on leaderships behalf to manage the pressure, despite the warning; whilst doing so, this example remains civil.

The perfect resignation letter for teachers

How to write a resignation letter as a teacher? Your resignation letter should be concise, factual and positive. Anything superfluous should be removed and the message be communicated as straightforwardly as possible. Whilst it seems like this monumental moment in your life, it is an administrative task rather than a wedding speech. Let’s keep it simple.

Teacher’s resignation letter template

My teacher’s resignation letter template is simple – Greeting, state the facts, thanks, finish.

If you are a teacher who wants to resign, then don’t overthink; download my resignation letter template and breathe a sigh of relief. Once you have downloaded the template:

Check out our ideas about boosting your wellbeing

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Start applying for new jobs today!


>>Download the template here<<



    • Thinking 6 to 12 months in advance is a good idea. I will regularly post alternative careers so check back in. You can Subscribe to the Blog if you want future updates.

      Good Luck and have a great last couple of weeks of term!

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  1. Teacher Resignation Dates UK - Quitting Teaching
  2. Alternative Careers for Teachers (part one) - Quitting Teaching
  3. Resignation Dates for Teachers - Quitting Teaching
  4. Resignation Letter Template Uk Teacher
  5. Letter Of Resignation Template Teacher Uk
  6. Letter Of Resignation Template Teacher Uk
  7. Letter Of Resignation Template Uk Teacher

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