Teacher Resignation Letter Template

Thanks for downloading the quittingteaching.co.uk Teacher Resignation Letter Template!

You should have already read our guidance on the best approach to resigning from your teaching role and checked out the teacher resignation dates. However, if you are no in the timeframe to resign, find out if it is possible to leave at half-term.

Teacher Resignation Letter Template

We would love to know if you download and use the template, you can either leave a comment or send a DM on Twitter. 120 teachers download this template every week and we love hearing about their plans towards happiness. If you have 30 seconds please consider donating to support us in supporting teachers like you!

Above all, actions beat words so you need to decide what to do next, we can help! The only online platform dedicated to supporting teachers leaving the profession to take that next step. I wanted to leave the classroom and I found the support network to be limited, quittingteaching.co.uk was born!

Read here to start the next chapter of your life!

The only teacher-led support network for those that want to leave the profession, follow us on Twitter and Instagram and Subscribe to the Blog. We are often asked how to write a resignation letter as a teacher, don’t worry about it; we made a template!