RANKED: 2021 Teacher Salaries (State by State)

Teacher salaries can vary state to state so it may come as no surprise that the average salary for an educator in the United States varies from $45k to $62k. This will vary depending on living costs in certain states but is also dictated by local districts. Compare your salary with the State and National Average using our handy guide below.

What is the average salary for a teacher in the US?

The average salary for a public school teacher is around $62,000 according to the most recent data collected by the National Centre for Education Statistics. So whilst many teachers find themselves earning a respectable wage; the role comes with many unique challenges.

Teacher Salaries State by State

The following are listed from lowest average salary to highest; visit here for an alphabetical list of average teacher salaries by state. I also compare teaching salaries to the average salary for all jobs in the state. Whilst the teaching salary often comes out on top this comparative average includes all salaried employment; not just those that require the high level of education demanded of educators.

Mississippi Average Teacher Salary

The Magnolia State has the lowest average salary for teachers across all 50 States. The average teaching salary in Mississippi is $46,000.This is about $6k more than the average salary across all professions in the state.

West Virginia Average Teacher Salary

West Virginia, The Mountain State, is beautiful place to live; but are teachers paid well here? The average teaching salary for teachers in West Virginia is £48,000. This is about $3k above the average salary of fellow West Virginians.

New Mexico Average Teacher Salary

Did you know that New Mexico has more PhDs per capita than any other State? Teachers in New Mexico earn an average salary of $48,000. This is about the same as the average New Mexico Salary when all employment is considered.

Florida Average Teacher Salary

The Sunshine State of Florida pays teachers an average salary of $49,000. This is slightly above the average Florida salary of $48k. However, the cost of living in Florida is markedly higher than the States already listed making Florida a less attractive option for Teachers looking to start their career.

South Dakota Average Teacher Salary

Sparsely populated, South Dakota boasts the space to breathe. About twice as many people live in Manhattan as in the whole of the Mount Rushmore State. Teachers in South Dakota earn an average salary of $49,000. This is $6k higher than the state’s average salary and with a relatively low cost of living, SD could be a great place to put down your teaching roots.

Kansas Average Teacher Salary

Teachers in Kansas earn an average salary of $50,000; this is $3k higher than the state average salary.

Arizona Average Teacher Salary

The incredible Grand Canyon cuts through the Arizona desert landscape; a mix or urban and rural eduction settings see teachers facing different challenges. Teachers in Arizona earn an average salary of $50,000. This is slightly lower than the average state salary and living costs are generally higher than some of the other states already listed.

Missouri Average Teacher Salary

From Kansas City to Springfield and Independence; Missouri has a need for capable educators to worth throughout the Show-Me State. The average Missouri teacher earns a salary of $51,000; about $4k above the average salary across the state.

Utah Average Teacher Salary

Boasting the Mighty Five National Parks, Utah might be a great location for the outdoors loving educator. The average salary for a teacher in Utah is $51,000; slightly above the state average salary of $50k.

South Carolina Average Teacher Salary

From Charleston to Greenville; schools in South Carolina offer a variety of experiences. The average teaching salary in South Carolina is $51,000. This is roughly $6k larger than the average state salary. SC has comparably low cost of living so maybe the the Grand Strand is calling your name?

Idaho Average Teacher Salary

Idaho, The Gem State, has plenty to offer its residents. Teachers in Idaho earn an average yearly wage of $51,000. This is about $6k more than the local average salary and living costs are relatively affordable. According to Zillow, the average house price in Idaho is $331,126; Ketchum is currently the priciest place in the State with prices averaging at $2.3m!

Alabama Average Teacher Salary

Teachers in Alabama earn an average salary of $51,000; significantly higher than the average state for Alabamians, currently $45k. Cost of living is cheaper than the other States named so far so whilst salaries might begin to increase, AL might be a good place to build your career in education.

Louisiana Average Teacher Salary

Louisiana Teachers earn $51,000 on average. Similarly to Alabama, the cost of living is low compared to other States so The Pelican State might have a classroom waiting for you!

Indiana Average Teacher Salary

The average teaching salary in Indiana is $51500. Roughly $5k larger than the local average salary with reasonable cost of living. Indianapolis, Fort Wayne or Bloomington might have a teaching vacancy that suits you perfectly.

Arkansas Average Teacher Salary

From Little Rock to Fort Smith and over to Fayetteville, the average teaching salary in Arkansas is $52,000. Cheaper rent prices and a relatively cheap cost of living could make Arkansas your Land of Oportunity.

Wisconsin Average Teacher Salary

Teachers in Wisconsin earn an average wage of $53,000. This equates to about a $5k increase on the State national salary, making teaching a relatively well paid career path. Could a teaching career in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay or Kenosha suit you?

Tennessee Average Teacher Salary

Welcome to TN, the Volunteer State. Tennessee provides an average teaching salary of $53,000. This is an $8k improvement on the State average salary so teaching in Memphis, Memphis, Clarksville or Jackson might be the career you’ve dreamed of.

Oklahoma Average Teacher Salary

The Sooner State; home of rolling plains and towering mountains. Teachers in Oklahoma earn an average salary of $54,000. Given that the average salary across the state is $46k, teaching feels like a relatively well paid job. From the busy urban life of Oklahoma City and Tulsa, to the smaller towns of Yukon, Ponca City and Choctaw; there will be a school that suits your needs.

Virginia Average Teacher Salary

Virginia boast an average teaching salary of $54,000. For the first time on our list the State national salary beats this; the average Virginian currently earns $56k a year. With the highest cost of living so far on this list, teachers in Virginia are getting a poor deal!

Colorado Average Teacher Salary

Teacher salaries in Colorado averaged at $54500. This is $3k less than the average state salary. Similar to Virginia, CO has a high cost of living making teaching less appealing.

North Dakota Average Teacher Salary

Average teacher salaries in North Dakota are $55,000. This is about $4k higher than the State average wage and is coupled with relatively affordable cost of living.

Kentucky Average Teacher Salary

The Bluegrass State is home to the Kentucky Derby. Teachers in Kentucky currently earn an average salary of $55,000; close to $10k more than the average Kentuckian yearly wage!

North Carolina Average Teacher Salary

Teachers in North Carolina earn, on average, $55500. This is above the State average salary and accompanies a relatively low cost of living.

Montana Average Teacher Salary

The average teacher salary in Montana is $56,000; about $2k higher than the other States on this list. With a State national average salary of $56k, Montana is a good place for teachers.

Texas Average Teacher Salary

Teachers in the Lone Star State earn on average $56,000. This is slightly higher than the national average and accompanies a relatively high cost of living.

Nevada Average Teacher Salary

With one of the highest State national salaries so far on this list, Nevada teachers earn $57000. This is about 6k higher than the State average teacher salary and comes with a slightly lower cost of living.

Nebraska Average Teacher Salary

Teachers in Nebraska earn $57,000 a year. This is about $3k higher than the average national salary and comes with a relatively cheap cost of living.

Maine Average Teacher Salary

Teacher salaries in Maine average at $57800. This is a good 6k higher than the average national teacher salary and is coupled with a relatively low cost of living.

Georgia Average Teacher Salary

The Peach State; home of Atlanta, Savannah and Peachtree. Georgia is slightly above the national figure with average teachers earning a decent $58000 a year.

Ohio Average Teacher Salary

The Buckeye State is the home of Ohio University, Cincinnati and Columbus. The average teacher salary in this American state is $58500; 6k higher than the national average teacher salary and lower cost of living than many neighbouring states.

Iowa Average Teacher Salary

The Hawkeye State is home of the fastest growing city in the United States;  Des Moines. The average teacher salary in Iowa is $58500; significantly more than the state average salary of $48-50k.

New Hampshire Average Teacher Salary

The Granite State is home to many great historical sites including Concord, Manchester and Portsmouth. The average teacher salary in New Hampshire is $58500.

Minnesota Average Teacher Salary

The Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul form the largest metropolitan area in Minnesota. On average, teachers earn $58500 a year compared to the national average of $50k.

Wyoming Average Teacher Salary

Home of the famous Yellowstone National Park, the average teacher salary in Wyoming is $59000 – significantly more than the state average salary. Cost of living in Wyoming is also one of the lowest on this list.

Hawaii Average Teacher Salary

The cost of living in the Aloha State is relatively high and the average teacher salary reflects that. Teachers earn $59000 a year; almost $10k more than the national average.

Vermont Average Teacher Salary

The Green Mountain State is home of Burlington; the smallest city to ever host a World Series! Teachers in Vermont earn an average salary of $59000 a year.

Michigan Average Teacher Salary

The Great Lakes State is home of Detroit and Flint. Teachers earn an average salary of $59000 a year. The cost of living in Michigan is higher than many other States on this list so a higher salary is required.

Delaware Average Teacher Salary

The First State is the home of Wilmington and Dover. Teachers here earn $59000 a year – almost 10k more than the national figure. Cost of living in Delaware is also lower than the national average making this an attractive State to consider.

Oregon Average Teacher Salary

Oregon is home of Portland and Eugene. The average teacher salary in Oregon is $59000; significantly higher than the national figure. Oregon cost of living is also slightly below the national average so you may be able to afford a better quality of life.

Illinois Average Teacher Salary

The Land of Lincoln is home of Springfield and Chicago. The average teacher salary here is $60010; the highest on this list so far! Illinois is known for having a relatively high cost of living.

Rhode Island Average Teacher Salary

A little bit of New England; home to Providence and Newport. Rhode Island is not the only State on this list with an average teacher salary around $60k but the cost of living is also comparatively lower here.

Pennsylvania Average Teacher Salary

The Keystone State is home of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The average teacher salary in Pennsylvania is $60200 – making this an extremely attractive location for teachers looking to change their scenery.

New Jersey Average Teacher Salary

Home of Newark and Atlantic City; The Garden State is home of the highest average teacher salary at $60400. This is one of a handful of States to pay teachers more than $6000 per year on average. Living costs in New Jersey are much higher than other States however.

Alaska Average Teacher Salary

The Last Frontier is one of the only States on this list with an average teacher salary higher than $60500. You’ll have plenty of autonomy as long as you can stand the cold.

Maryland Average Teacher Salary

The Free State is home of Baltimore and the National Archives. Teachers earn an average salary of $61000 a year in Maryland  – one of the highest States on this list. Cost of living in Maryland is also above average.

Washington Average Teacher Salary

The Evergreen State is home of Mount Rainier and Seattle. Teachers earn an average salary of $61400, almost $12k higher than the national average.

Connecticut Average Teacher Salary

The Constitution State is home of New Haven and Hartford. Teachers earn an average salary of $61000 a year; the same as Maryland on this list.

Washington DC Average Teacher Salary

Yes, there are actual teachers living in the District itself. The average teacher salary is $61000 – making this one of the highest paying States to be a teacher.

Massachusetts Average Teacher Salary

The Bay State is home of Boston and Cambridge. Teachers earn an average salary of $61500 – more than you would earn in some smaller States! Teachers in Massachusetts  face a high cost of living due to the State’s large metropolitan areas.

California Average Teacher Salary

The Golden State is home of San Francisco and Los Angeles. The average teacher salary in California is $61600 – almost 12k above the national average. California is also famous for having a high cost of living.

New York Average Teacher Salary

The Empire State is home of Albany and NYC. Teachers earn an average salary of $61800 a year in the Big Apple! Cost of living in New York is also extremely high – one of the highest in the world so start saving!

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